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Coffee & Kettlebells

Jan 6, 2020

Workout routine ✅ Meal prepping ✅ Clean diet ✅

...But what about your home? ❌

Did you know that indoor air is 2-5x dirtier than the outside air? I know It can be overwhelming to face the fact that your home can be a breeding ground for bacteria, contaminants, toxins, and viruses. Luckily, there are plenty of easy swaps to eliminate these harsh chemicals and reduce exposure for you, your family, and your pets.

Listen in to this episode to hear my top tips for cleaning up your home and taking out those hidden toxins for once and for all!

For daily fitness, nutrition, and life inspiration, as well as glimpses into my everyday life, follow me on Instagram and Facebook!

Instagram: @morgan.a.kline 

Facebook: Coffee & Kettlebells 


If you love everything you have learned from my podcast, and you feel ready to take your health, fitness, and happiness to the next level, start here!